Create your personal brand

Become the digitally opinionated leader of the corporate brands to reach out your content to a greater audience, to connect with your followers and for granted return on your investments)

Special for the
Health Professionals

Are you a doctor, a chemist, dietitian, trainer or nurse? Are you mentoring your peers in your speciality?

What do you say to reach out and increase your visibility to more audience? If your answer is yes, we are ready to help you grow.

Sağlık Uzmanlarına Özel

“%62 of the consumers, read user comments before buying a product. %90 of them trust the brands which their friends suggest”* *HubSpot

Sağlıklı Yaşam Öncüleri

Healthy Life/Wellness Opinion

Are you a digitally opinionated leader whose profession related with medicine, pharmacy, nutrition, sport or nursing?

We suggest you to participate in the Healthnet Digital Specialists to you to have stronger communication with corporate brands and to exist in the digital world by the support of a corporation.

Contact Healthnet Influencer Marketing Agency to be a Digital Opinion Leader

Our Services for Professional Influencers/Digital Opinion Leaders

  • Communication campaigns for the brands
  • Regular and Corporate Representation
  • Heathnet Trends Reports
  • Healthnet Scores
  • Healthnet DigiMoney
  • Healthnet Speakers
  • Corporate Support and Confidence for the Invoice and Receipt

Contact Us